Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fashion Styles

Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice especially in clothing, footwear, accesories, makeup, or furniture. Let`s learn about some of them!

The sporty style is great for walks out, vacation and comfort. For example, they are wearing hats, tennis shoes, jeans, and comfortable t-shirts.

The Hippie style started since the 1960´s. For example, they are wearing brightly colored clothing. Their shirt and dress are loose and colorful. They are both wearing sunglasses, saddle shoes and headbands.


The Punk style is sometimes confused with the Gothic one, but they are different. For example, they are wearing dark shirts, pants, accesories and sweaters.

A glamorous style
includes clean and ironed dresses, skirts, coats or vests; perfect makeup, shoes, jewelry and hairstyle. For example, the girls are wearing glamorous long dresses The boy is wearing an elegant suit.


What is your favorite style? and why? Write down a comment telling what you think about it!

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